10 Ways to Cooperate with Jesus

10 Ways to Cooperate with Jesus

A friend approached me in tears recently wondering how to go forward after a major loss in ministry due to someone else’s heartbreaking moral failing. This loss tempted my friend to despair and even consider leaving her ministry. Because I’ve experienced...
Fear Fighting: Beating The Beast of Worry

Fear Fighting: Beating The Beast of Worry

I know a true warrior and her name is Kelly Balarie.  She wars against fear and she also wars for encouragement in faith, hope, and love. I don’t know about you, but I need people like that on my side! That is why I want to introduce her and her new book, Fear...
The Most Important Preparation for the Holidays

The Most Important Preparation for the Holidays

A Christmas word problem for you: There is a busy woman who has 1,000 anxious thoughts about the upcoming Holiday season. She entrusts herself to the Lord and casts all of her anxieties on the Lord as she prays and gives thanks. What does that equal? Mathematically we...
Sometimes the Light Surprises

Sometimes the Light Surprises

  It’s that time of year when I begin to sense a shift.  Even though it’s not officially fall, pumpkin latte selfies are on the verge of being the rage. Back to school pictures on Facebook pop up in my feed, I find it really is the time to stock up on...
Look to Christ

Look to Christ

I nestle down in my writing nook and open the window to cool spring air and birds singing.  Before my alarm goes off to remind me to write, I’m writing.  This is the first morning to click the “Add New” link in WordPress in well over a month. There...