About Me

Hi, my name is Amy Jung.

I’m a follower of Jesus, wife, mom, homeschooler, life coach, photographer, and writer. I loved writing and illustrating stories as a kid, and I’ve grown up to continue that. Instead of illustrating, I enjoy adding my photographs to some of my blog posts.

An education in Theology, Biblical Counseling, and Christian Life Coaching impacts much of my writing and online work.

Though I grew up in a Christian home, I rebelled and turned away from the Lord for many years. Though I was only about 25 when I finally returned, an untold amount of damage had been done to my heart and mind. The Lord gave me a strong desire to get an education in Theology and Christian Counseling to understand healing from a biblical worldview. While studying in seminary, I met my husband. He pastors a 180+ year-old, rural church and I homeschool our two teen kids while squeezing in time for the writing and coaching. We are rehabbing a little farmhouse and I enjoy photographing the beauty around us and looking for God’s beautiful stories of renewal in our everyday life.

I have a passion for us who believe in Jesus Christ to understand who He is and who we most truly are in Him. If we’re grounded in those two things, those truths empower us to live for Him and enable us to begin to look for His grace in our life stories. As we see that our stories are graced by Him, we can begin to look for the patterns in our stories that give us clues to our current and future purpose. It’s my joy to do this in my own life and assist others to move toward all this through my writing and coaching.

Diploma in Biblical Counseling (American Association Christian Counselors)

Certificate in Christian Life Coaching (American Association Christian Counselors)

Certified Professional Life Coach 

Graduate Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies (Covenant Theological Seminary)

10 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and this introduction, and was blessed by your insights and the ‘heart tone’ in which you write.
    Blessings be multiplied to and through you.~~+~~

  2. Amy, I loved reading your bio. You have a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Your posts are glorifying to our Lord and Savior.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet encouragement. (It took me a couple of days before I realized you had visited, since I am new to the blogging world and technologically challenged. ??)
    I love the title of your blog, and the focus of your blog. May He richly bless you as you minister to others.

  3. Hey Amy! I love your site, and I see that you homeschool. I’d love to share something with you if you can email me when you get a chance!

    • Hi Leah, I know Pureflix has a wealth of homeschool content! Probably more since I looked last. I sent you my address…

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