by Amy Jung | Aug 2, 2020 | Coaching Yourself, Questions, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized |
I was having a delightful morning; it was just me, my coffee, and my computer. Having finished up an amazing prayer time with gentle worship music, I decided to catch up on some Christian blogs. The first blog post I looked at was over at BettieGsRASeasons about a new...
by Amy Jung | Jul 26, 2020 | Coaching Yourself, Uncategorized |
As I write this post, I can hear my husband making an audio recording of a sermon called Living Before an audience of One. We live in an old farmhouse. There isn’t a sound made in here that one can’t hear. There is no such thing as a private conversation...
by Amy Jung | Jul 16, 2020 | Coaching Yourself, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized |
I walked along the outline of our property. It was over ninety degrees, but I didn’t feel the harshness of the sun because I was under the cool shade of the trees that line our creek. I could walk for at least fifteen minutes before I would hit the area where...
by Amy Jung | Jun 4, 2020 | Coaching Your Kids, Coaching Yourself, Fear, Questions, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized |
I’d like to think that at age 48 I’ve learned not to worry about pleasing others or to fear what other people think. But it turns out that I do. Certainly, I’ve grown in this in certain areas of my life. In other areas, I need to check myself. One area I’m...
by Amy Jung | May 28, 2020 | Uncategorized |
At 5:45 am I drove up the driveway in order to take a friend to work. I was running a few minutes behind schedule. I witnessed a gorgeous mist that had settled into the field that runs alongside our driveway. It was begging to be photographed. When the Lord sets up a...
by Amy Jung | May 21, 2020 | Coaching Yourself, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized |
My just-turned eleven-year-old runs through the checks for her bunny care again, “Food, water, both locks.” She has two so she says it again, “Food, water, both locks.” I had been recently wondering if she’s ready to get the third one we...
by Amy Jung | May 14, 2020 | Coaching Yourself, Questions, Uncategorized |
“It’s time to cuddle the puppy, Mommy.” It’s the first thing my daughter wants to do with me in the morning. Morning cuddles with our dog. My daughter’s wake up time happens to be my most productive time. I’m wired to think deeply...
by Amy Jung | Mar 30, 2020 | Coaching Yourself, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized |
“It is the infinite value of the finished work of Christ upon the cross plus nothing that is the sole basis for the removal of our guilt and the bestowal of the same level of worthiness as is possessed by Christ.” -Francis Schaeffer This is one of my...
by Amy Jung | Mar 23, 2020 | Coaching Yourself, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized |
I feel vulnerable. And when I feel vulnerable, my first reaction is to run away. While I know my response needs to be to run to God, I’m just realizing that this entire week I’ve been running from Him. What makes you feel vulnerable? For me, there...
by Amy Jung | Mar 16, 2020 | Coaching Yourself, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized |
I breathed in the warm, salty air deeply. With my hair whipping in the wind and waves crashing onto my feet, I smiled and poured out my heart to him as we walked along the beach. It was a season in my life when I traveled often for my job. I was blessed to have...