As Easy and As Hard as Remembering the Gospel

As Easy and As Hard as Remembering the Gospel

We have so many choices each day.  Some are simple: Do I want salad or a PBJ for lunch? Other decisions sound simple but are really much more complex. For instance… The decision to rest in the gospel…or resist it.  To move from wasteland to graceland...
Craving Grace

Craving Grace

My husband and I are attending the Fuel 2014 conference put on by Man in the Mirror.  I just returned from a session with Ruthie Delk as the speaker.  I have little time to write this week but want to share a few thoughts from this today… Ruthie gives a...
Jesus Math

Jesus Math

My son is loving math. This is amazing because I am his teacher and I have never even “gotten” math. I give the credit to our homeschool curriculum: Life of Fred math series, created by Stanley F. Schmidt.   As thankful as I am to finally find a good math...