by Amy Jung | Sep 4, 2013 | Encouragement |
I drive over the top of the hill and come down the other side. The earth opens up wide before me. Highway 70 between Hermann and Columbia, MO is lonely. If it weren’t for the corn, I could be in a desert. But here in this one spot I rush up what feels like...
by Amy Jung | Jul 25, 2013 | Encouragement, Spiritual Growth |
Did that title resonate with you? Does your heart long…even ache…to see and understand God’s work in your life? Those who are in Christ, I believe, naturally desire that. I’m on vacation this week so…giving you an old story from the...
by Amy Jung | Jul 17, 2013 | Encouragement |
I sit as far back as I can in the row of pews without looking too unsocial. I volunteer at a Vacation Bible School (VBS) each summer and this is the week. This year I’m saved from rigorous planning. All I have to do is show up and work in the nursery. ...
by Amy Jung | Jul 11, 2013 | Encouragement |
Do you ever need strength and courage to live just an ordinary day? Sometimes I feel like I’m washing dishes all day. Like today. I could almost promise you that I stood at the sink non-stop. I’m not complaining really. I’m thankful that I have...
by Amy Jung | Jul 4, 2013 | Encouragement, Spiritual Growth, Who we are in Christ / Identity of a believer, Yielding and Waiting |
I love my country and the people who serve and have served me…us…with their lives. I join today with others with thanks to God for our freedoms and our nation. We are blessed. But I can’t help to think each Fourth of July about how I feel a bit...
by Amy Jung | Jun 27, 2013 | Encouragement, Who we are in Christ / Identity of a believer |
Heartbreaking mommy moment #?: “Mommy, I’m a dork.” So we have a talk about words. We talk about who we most truly are. How we can believe what God says instead of what our feelings say. In the course of any given week, it is possible for...