by Amy Jung | May 23, 2013 | Spiritual Growth |
This picture was taken on my honeymoon. My husband and I went to British Columbia and hiked and kayaked around one of the most beautiful places on earth. On this day, we kayaked in an inlet of water near Sechelt. Mountains rose up all around us. I was surrounded by...
by Amy Jung | Apr 10, 2013 | Grace |
My son is loving math. This is amazing because I am his teacher and I have never even “gotten” math. I give the credit to our homeschool curriculum: Life of Fred math series, created by Stanley F. Schmidt. As thankful as I am to finally find a good math...
by Amy Jung | Mar 30, 2013 | Patience, Suffering, Yielding and Waiting |
I was tired. The dishes weren’t done. My girl was looking sleepy and my boy was knee deep into a project. Both were sick. From the looks of us, you’d never know that in five minutes we’d be trying to imitate Christ. But it is Easter weekend and I...
by Amy Jung | Feb 27, 2013 | Encouragement, Suffering |
“Mama…why does God let me be sick?” He groans. I had to steady myself because a couple of weeks ago…when that question was asked…I was asking the same questions inside. There is no kid-sized answer to that question. Not for a week...
by Amy Jung | Feb 6, 2013 | Encouragement, Spiritual Growth |
Do you remember the story? The one about John F. Kennedy, Jr. flying the plane he was piloting into the Atlantic Ocean off of the coast of Massachusetts? Kennedy and his wife and sister-in-law were killed because Kennedy failed to maintain control of the airplane...