Outside forces can impact rivers; obstructions can cause the current to divert and cut channels in a new direction. The Mississippi River once changed course because of the New Madrid earthquake in 1811. It has been said that beavers are “ecosystem engineers.” When they build dams, they create brand new ponds and divert the way rivers flow. If a little animal such as the beaver can divert powerful rivers and create safe places for themselves, do you think we can too?

What is your plan for caring for and influencing the direction of your own river of thoughts?

In this podcast, I follow up on the last podcast with some practical ways we can proactively influence our thought life.

Just click the show picture below to access the podcast:

Please join me bi-weekly for a thought-provoking journey through significant questions that will help you coach yourself and the people you love. Thoughtful questions from the right heart motives bring honor and value to our relationships and help us live out a life congruent with what we say we believe before the Lord and others. They help our loved ones do the same.

I plan to continue writing my blog bi-weekly and produce a podcast of the previous week’s content on alternate weeks.

Would you be willing to listen, rate, and subscribe to it? It’s on Anchor, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Our river of thoughts must be respected as a source that can be both potentially beautiful and potentially dangerous. How can we seek to make it more and more beautiful? And what if we struggle to do this? Find encouragement to take your thought life seriously as well as encouragement if you struggle with consistently caring for it.

I hope you enjoy the podcast!

Sign up for my monthly Encouragements to Turn Toward Grace e-mail which includes freebies (including the one mentioned in this episode), special subscriber offers, and drawings.

If you would like assistance and accountability in forming new habits around your thought life, I would love to work with you on that. I offer a free initial consultation and affordable coaching to women on Zoom or in-person. Please visit my website (linked to the logo below) or send me a message so that I can answer any questions you have about coaching.


I’m linking up this week with these awesome bloggers:

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IE Link-up logo