Is it wrong for me to think I can reflect God?

Humans aren’t perfectly holy, all-present, or all-knowing.

Don’t worry! I don’t propose that we can reflect those kinds of attributes, but if we are in Christ we are enabled and called by God to image other attributes of Himself; the ones He calls His followers to. Imaging them isn’t to be a prideful or self-righteous move; it’s just the opposite. God’s attributes are all based on His perfect love. The essence of His kind of love is kindness, tenderness, unselfishness, and goodwill given for the benefit or sake of the other. We are called to this kind of love for example in Philippians.

“”Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

Philippians 2:5-8

God’s Word doesn’t just suggest that we can reflect God, it reveals an expectation and call for Christ followers to do so.

Just a few of His attributes that we can share (to some extent and imperfectly) are love, faithfulness, and goodness.

When we love others well, we do image or reflect God.

Today I’m wanting to introduce you to a book about parenting and asking a question inspired by the book. If you aren’t a parent, please don’t run away! This question could easily be considered by a Christ follower who wants to know how to better engage in and care for any kind of relationship.

What Attributes of God Can I Image for Others Today?

Do you desire to be a better spouse, friend, neighbor, co-worker, parent, or sibling?

We don’t need another checklist, we need to know the truths about our Heavenly Father and allow that to inform our actions.

As I enter the teen years of two children, I have many questions. Perhaps I could use a twenty-four-hour hotline because each day I have new questions for how to nurture the hearts and minds of these rapidly changing humans.

This week, I found something better than a hotline. I was reminded of something that I need to be refreshed in and apply to my life in new ways.

This truth I was reminded of is that more than a detailed plan, I need God Himself and the truths in His Word. In God’s Word, we can learn all we need to know about who He is and who we are in Him. Knowing these truths impacts the choices we make not only as parents, but as spouses, friends, co-workers, and family members. These truths won’t give us a checklist or process to follow, but they will prepare our hearts for the choices and procedures we do implement in our lives.

This profound reality is re-establishing itself in my heart in new ways and at just the right time. I’m heading toward a new season in parenting as two children barrel toward birthdays in May to turn thirteen and sixteen.

At just the right time, I encountered a refreshing book Like Our Father by Christina Fox.

Christina reminds us in her book that the answers to the “Who” question are more important than the answers to the “How” questions.

Who is God? God is our loving Father, and when we love others the way He loves us, we reflect Him.

When I offer grace instead of irritation in the midst of a challenging homeschooling day, I show my children the love of God. When I choose to sacrifice my needs for theirs, I show them this love. When I die to self for their benefit, they see Him. Speaking truth, offering comfort, and encouraging their hearts are other ways they can see God’s love.

So why don’t we do only this and do it more consistently?

Because, like a reflection in a cracked mirror, the image of God in us has been broken.


“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way;” -Isaiah 53:6

We seek our own way in parenting, marriage, and all relationships. We often seek our own kingdom instead of God’s kingdom and His ways.


“…and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” -Isaiah 53:6

God sent us Jesus to rescue us from our own ways.

“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” -Colossians 1:13-14

On the cross, our sins were laid on Him and His record of righteousness was given to us. He rescued us so that we would be reconciled to the Father and we are now free and able to live for Him and righteousness. By His Spirit in us, we can now cooperate with God as new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). We can now reflect His image to our family, friends, children, and the world.

We are new creations, but we are still in this fallen world in fallen flesh and find it challenging to cooperate with God. We think our greatest need is just the right tip, more advice, or a three-step process. The one things that will enable us to live out God’s love is His Word and His Spirit and we sometimes forget that. Sometimes we’d rather have a checklist. And sometimes we even simply ignore the truth and God’s work in us, and we defiantly choose not to love.

As a parent, I am sometimes tempted to think there is no way I could ever be an image-bearer of God, able to reflect Him to my loved ones. The truth is I’m not able to in my own strength, but by His Spirit, I am fully enabled.

“…for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” -Philippians 2:13

Be encouraged today to remember the truth that our Heavenly Father is loving and the truths about Him empower us to live as His image-bearers in our most challenging relationship moments. If you are in Christ, He lives in you and works in you to reflect Him. Will you yield to that so that others will be able to experience His kind of love?

He can help us in our parenting and in every relational realm we find ourselves. If you didn’t have a good earthly father, He shows you what a good Father looks like. If you struggle to be a good parent, He shows you what a good parent looks like.

In her book, Christina Fox encourages us to really think upon and live in these truths.

“The more we take time to dwell on the character of God and consider the ways He has made us to reflect Him, the more it shapes how we parent.” The “who?” inevitably shapes the “how?”

Christina Fox

I’ve been inspired to ask myself:

“What attributes of God can I image today?”

This question and the thoughts in this post are inspired by chapter one in Like Our Father by Christina Fox. I highly recommend checking out this wonderful book. Click the image below to go to Christina’s blog and receive the first chapter of the book for free!

Click the image below to pre-order Christina’s book on Amazon:

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Blessings to you as you consider the attributes of our loving God.

I’m linking up with these awesome bloggers over the next week!

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