pecansI was told recently and randomly that I’m a hard nut to crack.

The same week I marveled at how the pecans fall from opened wooden flowers high in the trees surrounding my house leaving nuts with yet more layers to be broken into by squirrels for nourishment.

The same week I grabbed a handful of those nuts and set them in a glass dish next to the kitchen sink where I’d be sure to see them clearly quite often and then took this picture.

The same week I happened to read this:

“What might be one false layer or bandage God is inviting you to remove today?” -Peter Scazzero, Daily Office

And then stumbled upon this prayer from the same book:

“Crack the hard shell over my heart that obscures and buries my true self in Christ. Transform me into the kind of person you desire me to be. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

The same week I realized that I had subconsciously made an unhealthy vow to myself many years ago.  Perhaps I’ll gain the courage to write more on that next week.

It was one of those weeks that the Lord seemed to be whispering the same message to me over and over again.

What about you? Is there something the Lord is impressing upon your heart…about your own heart during this season?  I’d love to hear your story in the comments. I promise to pray for your heart, will you pray for mine?

A special prayer for the week we think so much about hearts…

“Father, do indeed crack the hard shell over my heart that obscures my true self in Christ. Transform me. Help me to understand how I operate in the present because of how I coped in and with my past.  Not all vows are made consciously and not all vows are good. You are making all things new.  Crack and peel another layer of my heart. Do this again and again until I’m home with you, fully and completely healed.”

Linking up this week with these lovely blogs:

purposefulfaith.comPhotobucketHolly Barrett    Messy Marriage    Monday's Musings | What Joy Is Mine   Grab A Button    dreamtogether-linkup      linkup     Blooming lavender in a field at sunset in Provence, France      Missional Women    “countingmyblessings"     button 125px        Grab button for Being Confident of ThisDance With Jesus    Imparting Gracesaving4six     Grace-Moments-button.png
       Classical Homemaking