
“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” -Isaiah 26:3-4

This is a call to be centered on the Lord in the midst of life’s hardness.  When it’s hard, He is harder. I mean that in an encouraging way. He is a rock. A steady, unmoving place to place our feet. A rock that doesn’t cause us to stumble, but keeps us from stumbling.  I want to stand on HIM, my firm foundation, not my emotions.

I must bring to mind his faithful actions in the past to bring courage and peace now. 

How do I do that?

It’s a year that I’m purposing to seek courage and peace.  Two items high on my to-be list each day because sometimes I operate out of feeling full of fear or stress instead of feeling full of Him.

So what IS the one thing I can remember in those moments when my feelings seem stronger than Him?

I must bring to mind His faithful actions in the past to bring courage and peace in the present.

The bible is full of faithful followers who did the same and we are called to follow in their footsteps. Not merely to be like them in human faithfulness and loyalty (though that is OK). More importantly, it is to be reminded to look to God and HIS faithfulness.

We can all surely be inspired by the great cloud of witnesses who trusted in God’s faithfulness amid trials as the longed for His rescue.  Those like the ones recalled in Hebrews chapter eleven.

More than anything, let’s look to them and others who’ve gone before us and those who are going alongside us who endure, to remind us of our real Hero of the Faith. Because it’s less about me and even them, and more about Christ and HiS faithfulness.

The promised rescuer has come…”…Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” (Heb 12:-1-3).

He is the brave one, the courageous one. When I’m not feeling brave or courageous…and even when I am…I will look to Him.

How are you hoping to grow in the coming year? Are there any words like peace and courage that are on your heart in 2017?

In the coming year, I’ll be working on some new projects. One of which is a series of therapeutic stretch videos to be provided to ministries working with human trafficking victims.  Of course, I hope to make them available to my subscribers as well.  Would you please sign up for my newsletter (see sidebar) and like my Facebook page? This will broaden my support system! Thank you so much!

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