I want it to be in the form of refreshment for myself and others.
I want to see Jesus more in my life.
I want the Jesus ripple effect.
I see it play out in chapter seven of the second book of Corinthians. This beauty and refreshment released in the lives who make up the body of Christ. It happened when they repented and turned toward God and others in love.
Chapter six tells us God’s word to us about himself:
“I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
We are then immediately commanded by Paul, in light of the above promises, to cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.
We aren’t to cleanse ourselves in a legalistic way in order to gain a way to God or to keep from losing God. Â It is a cleansing because of God’s promises. Â A cleansing out of gratefulness, joy and awe about being one of God’s people and He being our God.
In chapter seven, we see how repentance played out among the Corinthians. Â It was beautiful. A response to the gospel with godly sorrow and repentance.
Here is what my Gospel Transformation Bible says about it:
“To see gospel transformation in action, consider these movements of grace: Paul receives comfort in his affliction from Christ. Â This gives him the confidence and grace to write a difficult letter to the Corinthians in which he speaks the truth in love. Â Their response is godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Â Their repentance leads to a renewed zeal for godliness. Â As they are refreshed by the Spirit, they become a source of refreshment-bringing joy to their leaders through their obedience to the gospel. Â In turn, Titus experiences rejuvenation, which causes Paul to rejoice all the more. Â The gospel transformation is beautifully personal and interpersonal.”
This is the Jesus ripple effect.
I used to think that to live a radical Christian life I needed to take part in something that looked like a big action or lifestyle.  Like going on a missions trip or changing where I lived. I’ve changed my mind. Following Jesus and submitting to the commands of the bible is the radical life in this day and age. Submitting to the Lord and repenting of sin IS the radical life because it is the rare person in the world who does it.  It’s not wrong to go on a missions trip or to move in order to live among people God is calling you to. It is wrong to think you HAVE to do that in order to get God’s approval or in order to be a radical Christian.  Simply following Christ and His commands is radical.
What would the Jesus ripple effect be if those who call themselves Christians really followed Christ? If we took seriously repentance? If we really believed not just His word about grace but also His word  about how He longs for His family to live. That we have a need for Him, not just at that moment when we decide to believe, but every moment every day as we trust Him.
What would it look like if we worshiped Him through repentance, a turning from sin toward Him and others?
This would be radical for me.  To move in love TOWARD others who sin against me.  To move in love toward others who I WANT to sin against.
Not just people who are at a distance but even my husband and children in the moments when they feel most offensive to me.
I don’t want to ever underestimate the power of the gospel.  To shake my head at the thought of writing a difficult letter. To shake my head at the thought of moving toward a family member who is acting ugly. To shake my head and turn against myself in anger. Â
What will happen in my life as I do the difficult thing that my flesh feels least like doing buy my heart longs for?
I begin to begin again right here in my own home today.  My daughter just asked me for a fourth thing since she woke five minutes ago.  I just stopped the big sigh and rolling of the eyes and I’m moving toward her in love.  There will be many more opportunities today!
Lord, will you cause the ripple effect in my life as I submit to you? Will you show me where I need to submit, repent and move toward others?
I want to see gospel transformation in action. Â Are you seeing it in your life? Â If so, I’d love to hear about it!
Photo credit: Google images:Â http://inreland.blogspot.com/2012/02/ripples-from-heavens-glimpse-into-life.html
Linking up this week with these inspiring ladies:
  Chronicles of GraceÂ
I have to agree … we cannot underestimate the power of the gospel. 🙂 Lovely post!
But I do underestimate it too often! Writing helps me grasp these concepts more in my heart so I’m hoping that I grasp this more! Thanks for visiting!
Amy, I meant to tell you yesterday when we were together in the canned food chaos that I loved your blog post of the Jesus Ripple Effect. Read it aloud to the kids for devotional. Then again last night at ladies study we talked about the Radical Life that you mentioned. Thanks for giving of your time and talents as it is a blessing to me and many others! xoxo judy
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Wow…what a blessing to receive this encouragement and to know that you read something that you wanted to share with your family at home and church. May the Lord be glorified as He works powerfully in our hearts/minds/lives more and more…Thanks Judy!
I love how you explained the difference between legalistic righteousness and the natural fruit of abiding. So hard to find language to slice that into pieces, but it is SUCH an important distinction, yes? Thanks for sharing this with us at Unforced Rhythms.
Yes…very important distinction. I think the body of Christ gets confused about it. I think I get confused about it! Thank you for Unforced Rhythms and for your beautiful writing…
I remember that as a child I wanted to serve Jesus, but I had no desire to be a missionary–and I thought it meant that I would never be able to really serve Jesus. Sometimes, doing the simple things really IS harder than moving to a foreign country.
Anita-I had those same kind of thoughts! I pray that the Lord will grant you peace to serve Him with joy and delight right where you are and as you submit to Him. Thanks for coming here!
Oh I really like this part “Following Jesus and submitting to the commands of the bible is the radical life in this day and age.” You are right. It is radical. I probably look like a crazy woman. I don’t care. Im letting go of it all and running hard after Jesus, and you know what? It feels great!!! Thanks for sharing your words today.
Praising God this morning for all of the Jesus Freaks out there! I’m so thankful for all of the radical blogging ladies who I get to fellowship with online. Thank you for visiting and affirming my thoughts…
Yes, dear Amy… Just yes! This is the foundation of 7 Days Time– small stuff that God makes great for His glory– through the ripple effect. Thanks for this 🙂
I love that this is your foundation. I love your encouraging heart. And I love that the Lord makes small stuff — just a yielding moment — great for His glory! Thanks for stopping by to affirm these thoughts…:)
Amy, I loved this. It’s so true. Moving toward each other in love – that is the Gospel. Thanks so much for linking at CMB. I’m happy to share this great word of truth. Blessings!
Thank you for encouraging so many ladies on your blog, the link-up and your visits. May we all continue to grow in moving toward each other in love!
Amy. You and your words are a powerful ripple. You are a scribe for the Lord. Continue writing and don’t doubt. ~Chris~
Thank you for your encouragement. My greatest desire is probably to impact hearts and minds with God’s truths. I guess that could be considered a ripple. I hadn’t thought of that! Thank you for coming here and affirming…
This reminded me of something I read in Acts about a month ago.
“So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” ~ Acts 6:7
In the Life Application Study Bible it says this for Acts 6:7: “The word of God spread like ripples on a pond where, from a single center, each wave touches the next, spreading wider and farther. The gospel still spreads this way today. You don’t have to change the world single-handedly — it is enough just to be a part of the wave, touching those around you, who in turn will touch others until all have felt the movement. Don’t ever feel that your part is insignificant or unimportant.”
Isn’t that just so good? So delighted to visit you from Barbie’s place and to be reminded of this “ripple effect.”
Oh that is so good–thank you for sharing that with me! The world seems so big and I think we Christians carry so much guilt and burden to want to help in so many ways. But this reminds me that it is not all on me. God will work through His people and there are many of us everywhere. Thanks for visiting!
Love this! That’s the way the Gospel works: moving us out of the center and toward others… changing us and growing us along the way. Thanks for sharing your gift. I’m glad I stopped by.
May it always be that way for us. I never want to stop changing and growing in Christ. Thank you for visiting!
I love this message of a “ripple” effect for Jesus. Radical living for Him impacts so many in our sphere of influence so much more than we ever dreamed. Thank you for this great message. I want to experience this daily too.
I hope the Lord shows us the ripple effect of our lives in heaven! Thanks for visiting!
So much like paying it forward but getting it first from the Source of it all. That will be an earth shaking movement. 🙂