
“…but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment.” Revelation 21:6

To slow down…just for this one moment of my day and take in a free drink from the spring of the water of life.  What would that do for my soul?

To drink the truth from the fountain that never ceases to exist and provide for the thirst of our souls. Would that bring blessing to the Lord?

“How precious is your steadfast love, O God!
    The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast on the abundance of your house,
    and you give them drink from the river of your delights.
For with you is the fountain of life;
    in your light do we see light.” -Psalm 36:7-9

To remind myself right now and every day that it’s not about me and my kingdom but about the Kingdom of Christ.  What would that do to the other souls in my life?

We rented a paddle boat at the Boat House in Forest Park.  We left the cares of the busy city of St. Louis and the wait for a table to eat and we paddled out toward the fountains at the bottom of Art Hill.  We had not done it since we were dating.  Now we had two kids with us.


So many cares, fears and changes we’ve crossed over and through in between these years.


Like this boat journey, we’d catch a glimpse of the fountain.  It’s beauty and knowing that the spray would cool us beckoned to us to keep going.

We finally arrived and we got as close as we could.  Though we feared getting too wet, we got as close as we could to feel the satisfying cool mist on our hot arms and legs.

Though I sometimes fear what it may bring in my life, the fountain does indeed refresh.

These words came to me in the pew this Sunday and I am repeating them over and over:

“Sin is an act that says “I don’t want your kingdom to reign, I want my kingdom to reign.”

The ridiculousness of this for a Christian is enough to make me long with all my heart to turn to Christ…the fountain of living water which refreshes my every part.

It makes me long for Him, His Word and His kingdom because…

“The law of the Lord is perfect,
    reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
    making wise the simple;
 the precepts of the Lord are right,
    rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
    enlightening the eyes;
 the fear of the Lord is clean,
    enduring forever;
the rules of the Lord are true,
    and righteous altogether.
 More to be desired are they than gold,
    even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
    and drippings of the honeycomb.
 Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
    in keeping them there is great reward.” -Palm 19:7-11

Christ’s kingdom is sweeter than honey…and much sweeter than my kingdom of the flesh.

How sweet are your words to my taste,
    sweeter than honey to my mouth!” – Psalm 119:103

Are you thirsty, longing to move toward the Living Water of Life? 

Do you hunger for the sweetness of yielding to the Lord and His Word?

I’m re-connecting today with my soul’s true longing through His word.  Join me?

“How lovely is your dwelling place,
    O Lord of hosts!
 My soul longs, yes, faints
    for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and flesh sing for joy
    to the living God.

 Even the sparrow finds a home,
    and the swallow a nest for herself,
    where she may lay her young,
at your altars, O Lord of hosts,
    my King and my God.
 Blessed are those who dwell in your house,
    ever singing your praise! Selah

 Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
    in whose heart are the highways to Zion.[b]
 As they go through the Valley of Baca
    they make it a place of springs;
    the early rain also covers it with pools.
 They go from strength to strength;
    each one appears before God in Zion.

 O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer;
    give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah
 Behold our shield, O God;
    look on the face of your anointed!

 For a day in your courts is better
    than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
    than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
 For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
    the Lord bestows favor and honor.
No good thing does he withhold
    from those who walk uprightly.
 O Lord of hosts,
    blessed is the one who trusts in you!” – Psalm 84:1-12

 Linking up this week with these ladies:

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