I didn’t want to go to bed, because I knew that I’d wake up and it would be morning and I’d have to face another day. Ā I never once thought of ending life, I just couldn’t really imagine doing it the next day. Ā I remember it clearly because it may have been one of my lowest points. Ever.
In the past year, I’ve had to take steps back from some aspects of ministry from time to time due to this past weariness.
There were many reasons for my being weary but I will spare you those details. Ā You will most likely be able to relate to my wearyĀ episodeĀ because of your own circumstances. Ā Most of us willĀ go through times or a time of feeling weary in life and of life. Ā Some are more severe than others.
Rest is good when we need it. Ā In the midst of stepping away at times, Ā I have been reminded of the reason to pick it back up and continue on.
In times of weariness, I would not be able to take a break and come back if I were doing it out of my own human-centered motivations. Ā I am always spurred on to return to the work God has for me out of a grateful response to Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
TheĀ knowledge of my identity in Christ, drives what I do with my life.
Suffering and weariness can draw me to rest, but I am compelled to not remain there.
“Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.” (1 Peter 4:19)
Perhaps there have been times that you have suffered in a way that has made you want to retreat from ministry entirely. Ā Not just due to weariness, but due to suffering a personal hurt. Ā Maybe it felt more like a personal death.
Even then, we can entrust our souls to a faithful Creator…while doing good.
This is a short encouragement today to those who have been taking steps back from ministry to return.
If your heart and soul is right with God and if you have received some rest and refreshment, consider prayerfully taking a baby stepĀ toward ministry?
Serving the Father is congruent with who we truly are in Christ and this feeds the soul too.
But what if a time comes when you or I don’t see much or any tangible fruit from the ministry we believe God has called us to? Do we quit?
“AndĀ let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap,Ā if we do not give up.Ā 10Ā So then,Ā as we have opportunity, let usĀ do good to everyone, and especially to those who areĀ of the household of faith.” (Galations 6:9)
Perhaps a lack of fruit in ministry means we should be seeking answers in prayer about how we are doing ministry. MaybeĀ He is calling us to a different ministry. Ā Or perhaps, we are to just keep pushing on in the ministry just as we’ve been. Ā God willĀ guide us down the right path as we turn to Him and seek Him in the midst of challenges.
Seeking God’s guidance and direction and then waiting on Him can take time. Ā The wait can be hard, but we can know this for sure right now:
We are called to continue to do good out of our true identity in Christ and we can continue doing this good knowing that in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
I am so grateful for the ministry of my church. Ā The people doing good there to the household of faith have ministered to me well and have been a huge part of me being able to take steps toward rest and steps toward ministry. Ā They have continued to do good, and I am a grateful recipient of it. Ā Me being blessed is a fruit of their labor. Ā They are God’s way of tangibly affirming these truths to me.
Blessings as you continue to serve the Lord and His beautiful household of faith!
Linking up with these sweet ladies this week. Please consider checking out their blogs, I love them all!
I’m glad you recognized your need to step away and rest. Too often we don’t allow that for ourselves, when God is begging for us to do it.
Yes–I have had moments where I haven’t recognized the need for rest. May we always be aware of what God is trying to tell us about how to care for ourselves while we are loving others. Blessings…
I can attest to weariness, most recently in my life. I keep having to step back to renew my focus on God and what His will is for my life. I remember days when I didn’t want to get out of bed, but am thankful I had children to take care of and that my depression was not debilitating.
Thanks for sharing your own struggle here and also on your blog. Your wisdom in stepping back to renew your focus on God and His will is inspiring! I so think you must be paying attention because He certainly seems to be using your skills/talents/passions in amazing ways even as you step back. Hey–maybe when we “step back” we are truly “stepping forward” (could that be a blog post??) š
to lean in close to hear Him
and live according to His rhythm
thank you for sharing
word to encourage!
Thank you for your encouraging words! I like the idea of living according to HIS rhythm! Thanks for visiting…
Amy, knowing when to rest and when to step back in is so important. It always amazing how God built rest into our natural daily rhythm so how much more do we need it spiritually as well. I’m thankful for your words today.
Hi Wanda–A prayer for you today — that you’ll continually have that awareness! Blessings…
Hmmmm . . . I went to bed at 7 last night, I so needed rest. And I so related to that feeling of wondering how you will possibly get through the next moment. Thankfully that question and weariness most often leads me back to the present where I’m able to make necessary choices, I’m learning to listen closely to the needs of my soul and honor the shape of life God has given me. May you be blessed in your work and in your rest.
Wow…to bed at 7:00! That is amazing and wonderful! I guess this is one thing we can all look forward to with aging…that we (if we’re intentional about it) get better at listening to our needs and taking action. I’m beginning to also ask for what I need from others around me…that’s a new one for me! I like your words—“honor the shape of life God has given me.” That inspires me to be content. Love that…thanks for that insight. I need to do that. Blessings…
My husband and I both went through burnout after 19 years in full-time Christian ministry. It was our fault–we just kept saying yes, yes, yes. It took my health breaking before I learned it was okay to say no to some things. God has led both of us to new ministries but we’ve learned even in them to say no. I’m happy one of your “yeses” was to blog. ~Pamela
I’m glad you said yes to blogging too! I like your website and am now following you!
Amy, it is like you read my mind… or maybe even my heart. I have been going hard at this online ministry gig for 3 years now. I still enjoy it but am always trying to listen to God at to what/when/where/how it works with my other life goals and role as a wife and mama.
Hoping to revel in some of His rest more and more each day. Thanks for sharing your heart over at #EverydayJesus.
I pray you remain aware and open to His guidance as you revel š Thanks for always connecting!
Amy, your post was inspiring. Reminding us to rest in Him, listen to Him, and move forward in His strength. Too often we tend to do things in our own strength. That’s where my weariness comes from at times.
You’re right–when I feel weary, I can usually trace it back to striving forward in my own strength. Blessings to you as you rest in Him…….