
Do you ever wonder if you’re good enough or doing enough?

I do.

I have these thoughts quite often as I try to carry out my faith as a wife, parent, daughter, sibling, friend, parishioner and worker.  The list could go on couldn’t it?  All of the roles we take on in life.  When I think of them I get a bit overwhelmed.  Thoughts of all of the responsibilities come to me at once.  But what if simply being found in Christ and loving Him right where you’re at in your current situation is enough?

Would you follow me over to My Freshly Brewed Life this week?  Barbie Swihart has a sweet blog where she shares glimpses of Christ’s love and sprinkles of His grace.  I know you will love her blog and that is where my post, The Wonder of Your Life in Christ, is posted.

Linking up with these ladies this week:

growinghomemakers link-up banner  Just WritePhotobucket Finding Heaven                                          Chronicles of Grace sunday-stillness-button      Renewed Daily - Recommendation Saturday Missional WomenFF Z Font Fellowship Fridays #45 Womanhood With Purpose The Watered Soul  I Choose Joy!PhotobucketImparting Gracesaving4six thrive @ home blue    7 Days Time whimsical-wednesdays_edited-1   WHHWButton200X200Family Home and Life