
Every spring we have one of those days.  Out of nowhere, the temperature drops and we get a great storm with hail.

The kids love it but I cringe at the thought of our fragile flowers being pelted by the ice.

This year it was the bluebells that were still standing, the lilacs and my gorgeous pink dogwood blooms.  The hail crashed down so hard, I figured the petals would be scattered all over the ground by the time it ended.

Somehow they withstood the beating.


My son danced around in the rain and hail and kicked in the puddles.  He’s turning eight this Saturday, how much longer will he do that?  So I video taped him.


With my camera out, I felt the nudge to snap pictures of the storm and the aftermath.  Why did I think it was beautiful? This pelting of fragile flowers?

As I was looking at the pictures afterward, a scripture came to mind that I had been thinking on lately.

It’s a scripture from Isaiah in which God speaks to His people about their futile idolatry.  He has harsh words for them. But we also see His mercy.  This is the kind of God we have:

And it shall be said,
“Build up, build up, prepare the way,
    remove every obstruction from my people’s way.”
 For thus says the One who is high and lifted up,
    who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:
“I dwell in the high and holy place,
    and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit,
to revive the spirit of the lowly,
    and to revive the heart of the contrite. (Isaiah 57:14-15)

Do you feel lowly and contrite today?

I happen to think that is a good thing to feel as a Christian.

Humble and sorrowful over our sin.  Not sorrowful of life.  I am filled with joy about my life and over what Jesus has done. That He has taken the punishment for my sin.  My sin has been atoned for.  I am not shameful or filled with guilt.  But the bible is clear that we do still sin and we should have a godly sorrow for that and desire change.  I am regretful of how I often  live this life.  Over the patterns of sin in my life.

And even in this…in this sorrow over sin…I find joy and beauty in the fact that I have a God who blesses those who are of this spirit.

That moment when I turn to Him after a time or in the midst of a season of wrong thinking.  That Aha! moment that I can boldly approach the throne of grace.



That even though He lives in a high and lofty place…

He ALSO lives with those who are bowed down low in recognition of the sin that plays out each day in our lives.

And He lives with us to revive our spirits and our hearts.

This is the beautiful Christian walk.

A continual turning to Him even in the midst of our sin.  Him reviving us. Every day. Redeeming and healing every aspect of our lives as we trust and turn toward Him.

So there is some beauty in the flowers on the ground.  They are beautiful in their lowly state even though they are on the ground.  And the flowers still on the tree are more beautiful than ever after that rain.  They continue to reach out for the sun and receive the life-giving source.

Blessings to you as you continue to turn toward the One who gives life.



Linking up with these sweet ladies this week:

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