I live one street over from a house I grew up in. Sometimes I take my children down that dead-end road. We walk down the gravel road where I remember…like yesterday…playing in the puddles with my brother. Running his green Tonka truck through the brown sludge.
It was a dream home for our family. A house in town but in the woods. We could walk to school by taking a trail through the woods. There was also a cave we could hike to. My dad would always stop at a persimmon tree along the way to see if it’s orange fruit was sweet yet. We built log cabins with some neighborhood kids out of fallen trees. I kissed frogs and believed they really might turn into princes. There was a giant rock shaped like an owl. We would outline it with chalk. I remember one time, my sister stepped on a giant thorn near the rock, so owl rock was always tainted in my mind as being a bit dangerous. It went right through her shoe and I can still see the thorn and the mustard yellow sock drenched with red.
We only lived there for about four years but they were my elementary school years. The beginning of my vivid memories. It turns out that these memories are what I think of when I think of my childhood.
So this walk to the old house that I take with my kids every so often…it’s…magical. I’m flooded with all of these memories and more. I cry too because there is some pain in these memories. After four years of living in that house, we had to sell it and move. It was a loss of a dream for my parents and it was a loss of the magical child-world for me.
So I bring my kids back for a taste of it. What is it that I’m searching for? Innocence? A memory? An adventure lost in the woods at the age of 8? My cat…the one I never saw again after moving?
This past weekend my husband had the idea. We’d talked about it for years but have never done it. “Everybody put long pants on!” He announced where we were going and I ran to the basement to grab a box of sidewalk chalk. I stuffed four pieces in my husband’s pants. Two in each pocket.
We parked at the beginning of the gravel road and walked down. My feet settling into indentations where puddles grow. Thoughts of little brother and the Tonka truck. This time we didn’t just walk down the gravel road and back as I’d done since moving back to my hometown eight years ago. This time we went beyond the gravel road. We walked up to the deserted house. We peeked in the windows. I strained my eyes to see things I may have seen as a child and touch things I may have touched. My kids rolled down the hill…just like I did.
I touched the wood on the deck…the same wood I touched as a child. A tear came as I saw the remains of the wood that used to hold up my dad’s herb garden. I’m sure he made it himself. I saw the shape of the rooms, but so much had changed. The paint, the wallpaper, the floors. The one that looked the least changed was the workshop where I remember “working” with my dad. Making the wood curls with the wood shaver. All of the rooms were so much smaller than they seemed as a child. The house itself was rotting on the outside. My husband had warned me that it wouldn’t be good. That the ruins of this house would be shocking for my soul. It was. He made a suggestion that we move on so we did.
We set out to accomplish what we had really came there for. To discover, once again for me and once anew for my kids…owl rock. It felt like Christmas morning to me. To discover, once again, this special place I had only seen in pictures since my childhood.
I knew just where to go. Like the million steps to 35 years ago had vanished. I was there. We tromped over junk. Old fences and appliances and even a refrigerator that was there when we moved in. Crazy how my memory got us back to it. It was so easy. But as I got closer to it, I grew greatly disappointed. It was covered by small trees. And it was almost as if the trees were intentionally grown over it. It wasn’t just brush that could be pulled away. Two to three inch in diameter trees were growing…as if they bent over backwards to make it impossible for me to re-connect with my childhood. I began grabbing them and trying to pull them away. But it was useless. The tree with thorns on the trunk and branches was the first I was to grab. As I pulled it away with frantic force to get to my past, a thorn drug through my finger and the trunk stayed put. Blood ran. Just like on my sister’s sock. I felt a bit rejected by my past. I’ve wondered in the past week, what the Lord might be telling me about looking into my past.
My children couldn’t quite grasp what the excitement of owl rock was all about. They couldn’t quite make out the owl shape. The chalk…stayed inside my husbands pocket. I remained desparate to change the situation, but no change could be made. I took sad pictures of my kids on the tree-covered rock. No longer owl rock.
“I’ll come back up here and clear it out before we come back again,” said my husband. It was a nice thought but, my desire to re-discover owl rock was vanishing quickly.
With less enthusiasm than before, we left the woods and walked into the clearing of my childhood backyard. The kids rolled down the hill while I looked on with a sad heart.
Sometimes…revisiting the past can be thorny. It seems good at the time, but the reality of it can be painful…bloody…soul sickening. Although sad, God is using this wasteland of a once magical place to remind me of some glorious truths about grace. He renews me…even in this place.
The same week that I experienced this disappointment of the owl rock overgrowth, I experienced the reality of an overgrowth of disappointment and pain on my own heart over a matter of the past. Stuff that happened, not 35 years ago, but just one year ago. A long drawn out evil battle that keeps waging against me and rearing it’s ugly head.  Some of the most evil, shocking and disappointing circumstances in my life have happened within the past year.
What do we do with these past experiences. Ones we either willingly revisit or ones that require us to revisit them? Sometimes it’s both. We are forced to revisit it and, perhaps, we stay too long when the Lord clearly tells us to not dwell on certain aspects of it. Or we willingly visit (innocently or not) thorny places that we didn’t realize how dangerous they were. Or we sinfully dwell on a conversation or gossip about a situation. We tell our story…bring it up again…to be sure others know what really happened. The bloody battles…like thorns that pierce us. If I had my choice, I’d choose to run away from this one. I’d choose not to peek into the windows to try to find something to remember because I don’t want to remember. Yet in the midst of this past trial and the memories of it and the continuing saga…I am tempted. I am tempted toward gossip, defending, anger, bitterness, worry, control, vengeance and even…distrusting God.
Sometimes we innocently revisit the past with joy and find that it isn’t as sweet of a place to revisit as we thought.
Sometimes the past is sinfully revisited and we find that it sours our soul.
Sometimes the past is thrust upon us and we can’t seem to get away from it. It pierces our soul and bleeds us dry.
Sometimes, it’s a surprising mixture of all these things.
And in all these things, we must turn toward the Lord:
If we are sad, turn toward Him.
If we are bitter, turn toward Him. If angered, turn toward Him. If feeling anxiety, turn toward Him. If distrusting, turn toward Him.
If we are tortured, turn toward Him.
There is no twelve step program.  Can we really manage the sin and pain?  Is there any way to keep these times from coming?Â
I don’t think so. But we can live the surprisingly abundant life that the Lord provides in the midst of it all.
The solution is to turn toward Him.
To simply (not always easily) turn toward Him in prayer and repentance (if needed) is the answer.  To be reminded of who He is and who we are in Him through His Word is the answer.
In all of these situations, I find these verses to be helpful, convicting and comforting…
1 Peter 5:6-11
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,  casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. 10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Linking up with these ladies this week:
“Be anxious for nothing….” is the Scripture that God brings to my mind when I dwell on these things are not beautiful or that hurt deeply. I, too, have had both the trying to relive a sweet moment of the past and had a horrible confrontation with a sibling that lasted for three years. There is forgiveness but, for me, it seems to need re-forgiveness 70 x 7 plus. God’s Word and His nearness is what can clear our hearts, minds and souls. I hold you in prayer as you walk forward from these things.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Thank you for sharing a bit of your own challenges and for your prayer. I appreciate you stopping to care through Christ! Blessings…
Memories of the past can be deceiving and the truth that can be revealed can leave us wondering and even hurting. You were brave and bold in stepping out to explore the past and as a result you learned important truths. May God continue to walk along side you as you move in your journey with Him. Blessings, Mary!
Thanks you for your words of encouragement, Mary. May you sense his nearness to you as you walk your journey as well!
Great story of your past. Coming over from renewed daily
Thank you…thanks for visiting!
Amy, this was a beautifully haunting post. I found myself cringing inside as you were hurt and disappointed. Memories can be daggers to the heart sometimes, can’t they? I have some things in my past that I would rather forget. And though they happened a long time ago, sometimes the ghosts of mistakes and pain come back to haunt me.
But yes, in all things, we must turn away from these things, and turn toward our Savior. He is the only One who can heal the wounds, and fill the empty holes.
I’m trying to emulate Paul – “Forgetting the past, I press on…”
(Hopped over from Sunday Stillness)
Yes…daggers to the heart. You’re right this was a haunting post to write but I felt so drawn to it. Probably one of the easiest posts to write because the thoughts from my day just kept…haunting me! So thankful that He IS the one who heals and fills the holes. Keep pressing on, sister!
I’m here from Janis’ link. There is so much wisdom here and the analogy to visiting your old house is really good. I too have had hurt and betrayal in the past that I’ve forgiven, yet sometimes it’s tempting to revisit it, to poke at my wounds to see if they still hurt maybe. There’s nothing good about doing so.
I like how you worded that–it’s come to mind a few times since first reading your comment–“to poke at the wounds to see if they still may hurt.” I think that is a reason we do go back and you’re right–there’s nothing good about doing so! Thanks for visiting me!
Amy, there is so much to chew on here — Reminds me of that Scripture of Lot’s wife who looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. — Thanks for this reminder to keep my hand to the plough and stop dwelling on “what could have been” or “should have been.” I need to focus on what He is, and what He is doing now in my today.
So glad you linked up to Thought-Provoking Thursday! 🙂
Oh–I had not thought of Lot’s wife–that passage parallels well with this post! Should’ve talked to you before writing! Thanks for stopping by!
And thanks for your link-up!
I’m visiting with you for the first time from “Simply Saturday.” Your writing is so expressive and through it, I could visualize those times I have tried to “go back” and recapture the security from the past. It’s never the same. It is lost in reality and I often wonder how it could have remained so alive for so long in my memory. And yet, we still find those precious times and experiences to be like a warm, snugly blanket in which to find comfort and security. Thank for for sharing so these many faceted thoughts with us.
I’m so glad it touched you and reminded you of your own time of trying to go back! 🙂 I’m so thankful that we can carry warm memories for so long. But yes–it is never the same when we try to actually go back. Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts!
Oh, this is hard stuff. I revisited the past last weekend by attending a funeral at my old church. It was bittersweet seeing familiar faces, some who were friendly, some who were not. Making peace with both the good and hard parts of our past may take a lifetime… Praying for our journeys.
Hi Lisa–I’m sorry you had to revisit the past at a funeral. That is so hard. Thank you for your prayers. He is Risen and is actively redeeming our lives. Blessings to you…
Beautifully said…the past isn’t always easy to visit, but if we keep our focus on HIM it’ll all work out 🙂
Thank you for visiting here Rachael…
It sounds like such a magical place.
Thank you for stopping by…yes–it was a magical place! Still is sort of!
I really loved this. Your husband sounds very wise to prepare you for the changes you would see. Memories are like snapshots . . . frozen in time. Sometimes is good to go back to release baggage, but always in and with Christ.
Good thought–always in and with Christ! Thanks for coming here!
I have NO idea how I stumbled here, but soul needed it. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Your husband seems so loving & in tune. What a blessing for you, and your children. 🥰
I’m glad you stumbled upon it! Wow–I had forgotten about that post–it’s been a few years! I’m glad you visited, because it was a good memory to be reminded of! Blessings…