Ultimate Blog Party 2014

Welcome to Wasteland to Graceland!

If you are visiting from the 5 Minutes for Mom Party, here is a little introduction about my blog:

I’m a Christian, wife, mom (2 kids), homeschooler, and Christian Life Coach. I loved writing and illustrating stories as a kid.  I have grown up to continue that writing but now enjoy adding my own photographs to many of my blog posts.  An education in Theology, Christian Counseling and Christian Coaching impacts much of my writing and a Coaching business: Graceland Coaching.

This blog is about the fact that our God of the bible is a God who is passionate about redeeming all things for His glory.  He is making all things new by his grace.  Not just a new heavens and new earth someday. But He is doing that every day here and now on this planet in our lives.  These are some of my daily glimpses into that in my own little sphere of life.   My life was once, seemingly, a wasteland.  This life continues to sometimes feel that way.  I write to remind myself that Christ is renewing me, my life story, and the people around me.  I write about turning my mind away from wasteland thinking (sinful, faulty thinking) and turning it toward the Lord (Graceland thinking and living).  He is transforming it all from a wasteland to graceland.

You may browse categories in my blog by clicking on categories on the right side of my page.  Thank you for visiting!