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My husband and I are attending the Fuel 2014 conference put on by Man in the Mirror.  I just returned from a session with Ruthie Delk as the speaker.  I have little time to write this week but want to share a few thoughts from this today…

Ruthie gives a tremendously helpful illustration about Repentance and Restoration in her book.  I hope to share more of it here in the future.

Here are some thoughts and questions based on Ruthie Delk’s Craving Grace session and book that I’m chewing on this morning and will be praying over…

Changing my living as an orphan toward living as a child of God is “as easy and as hard as remembering the gospel.”

What strategies do I use to “manage” my sin instead of truly turning toward Christ?

And this is so true…

Resisting Christ often feels like life but sucks the life out of you. Repentance often feels like death but is actually life giving.

Am I truly ENJOYING the LIFE-GIVING grace of God?

Are you?

I have my hands on this book and will be finishing it up soon…I highly recommend it based on what I’ve read and heard so far! You can click on the Craving Grace picture at the top of this post and it will take you to the site for her book.