Does anyone else out there have a  flighty brain?

Do you feel that it is on the run and you can hardly catch it…for me…sometimes I can hardly find it!

The apostle Paul says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2).

We are transformed by the renewing of the mind.

But what if we’ve lost our minds?!

Seriously now…perhaps that is just a  feeling I have at times…

Thankfully, James tells us that genuine faith doesn’t just sit there, it takes action.  It runs after the mind!  It participates in what God is doing in the person who possesses that faith.

I need to renew my mind…participate. 

So how do I do that?

I must remove myself from situations which add more trash to the ever-growing filing system of my brain and make temptations increasingly accessible. 

Most of the time though…

it involves something much more challenging.  Something that involves dealing with what’s on the inside.

I must force myself to change the direction my thoughts are going.

One of my favorite Christian authors, David Needham, says in Birthright: Christian Do You Know Who You Are?, “I  must repudiate my brain’s usurped authority to continue down a particular path of thought.” 

This can be hard at times.  This takes work.

Needham also says, “I fear we have been so accustomed to giving in to our thoughts, we are not sure that controlling them is possible.”

Here is a great question posed by Needham in his book.  I am thinking upon it today:

“Will these thoughts I entertain refresh me for the real world, or will they only add to my reservoir of the ‘if onlys’, the ‘might have beens’, and the ‘what ifs’ of my imagination?”

And another question for today…am I growing in doing this?

The Lord always renews us and refreshes us as we renew our mind with His Word and His truths.  Our minds may fail…but He and His Word never fail!

Linking up with these sweet ladies today:

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