I want to introduce my friend, Misty, to you today!  Misty is visiting here and I’m writing over on her blog, Simply Helping Him, about Our Children…Gifts to the World.

Misty’s blog always moves me to want to serve the Lord and my husband more passionately.  Make sure you check out her inspiring site after reading her great reminder to us about God’s grace:


Often we talk of grace; how we’ve received it, thus we should show it to others.

Do we really take the time to know and understand exactly what grace is?

Noah Webster defines “Grace” as “Unmerited love and favor from God”.

Often I think many people confuse the definitions of “Mercy” and “Grace”. To understand the difference, I believe this is the best statement I’ve heard, I’m not sure who said it first, but I am not the author.

“Mercy is not getting what you deserve, while grace is getting what you do not deserve.”

As humans, none of us are perfect, we are all sinners. We all are in need of grace ~ which is unmerited to us all!

Somehow, we often get to the place where we don’t extend grace. We have been hurt, they’ve messed up too many times……they don’t deserve it.  


Read that again! 

They don’t deserve it! 

That is EXACTLY the point!

Just as we do not deserve God’s grace, yet we receive it; we are to give what we have been given.

Unmerited favor. Unmerited love. 

We don’t deserve it. Yet we gladly receive it.

Unmerited favor. Unmerited love. 

They may not deserve it. Often we hold back.

We have the opportunity to give the grace that God bestowed upon us.

What makes us think we “deserve” grace, yet others do not?

Grace is a gift. Gifts are meant to be given away. <—- Tweet it away!

I am a stay at home, homeschooling, crunchy, Christian wife, and mother
of two wonderful blessings. My hubby is a self employed fisherman, and a Mainah
through and through, thus we live in Maine. You can find me blogging about
faith, family and life experiences at Simply Helping Him.