“One day as I was passing into the field…

this sentence fell upon my soul.

-‘Thy righteousness is in heaven.’ And I thought I saw with the eyes of my soul Jesus Christ at God’s right hand;

there, I say, was my righteousness; so that wherever I was, or whatever I was doing,

God could not say of me, he lacks My righteousness, for that (righteousness) was just before Him.

I also saw, moreover, that it was not my good frame of heart that made my righteousness better, nor yet my bad frame that made my righteousness worse, for my righteousness was Jesus Christ Himself, ‘The same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).’

Now did my chains fall off  my legs indeed.

Now I went home rejoicing for the grace and love of God.”

-John Bunyan


Rejoicing in His faithfulness today…the same yesterday, today and forever.

We’re learning the hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness this month in our house.  I found a great version of it on youtube.com with lyrics sung by Chris Rice:  Great is Thy Faithfulness

Enjoy…and be blessed by knowing that…even in any failings this week…He is ALWAYS standing faithful at the Father’s right hand!